Thursday, July 8, 2010

A quick thank you

I have been incredibly blessed this year and for something different I would like to take a moment to give thanks for a few of the awesome moments of my week and the people who gave them to me:
  1. Thank you for showing me that you are still there and for letting me in again, I can't wait to see more of you. I love that we can bring out the best in each other and pray we can do that for the rest of our lives;
  2. Thank you for eating too much Indian and for openly and honestly doing life with me. I love that we can say the things we really shouldn't say and talk about them until they make sense;
  3. Thank you to my new elderly friend who made me tea and toast last night - there may be over 5 decades between us but sitting at your kitchen table talking over tea makes me realise that we are all simply women who just want to be loved. Thank you for letting me in;
  4. Thank you for your messages of encouragement and love and for the woman you are growing to be. I miss you buba;
  5. Thank you for being an inspiration, Mum you are a truly remarkable woman;
  6. Thank you for being my Jonathan - my number 3, the voice of reason when I am a silly insecure girl, an inspiration;
  7. Thank you for trusting me enough with someone so precious to you, I shall keep her in my heart and love on her like you have loved on me;
  8. Thank you for being human, for being scared, for being brave but most of all thank you for crawling into bed and resting like the doctor said;
  9. Thank you for my new book and for all that it represents.. we have come so far in such a short time;
  10. Thank you for your presence, for you love and for making me whole.
There are about a million other things that I could be thankful for, a million other people and moments. Most of all today on my Dad's birthday I am most thankful for my Dad and for every year that he is in my life.

I pray that in amongst the business of life we can take a moment to be thankful for the little blessings who make a big difference in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being the wonderful girlfriend that you are. Yes, we may eat too much Indian food and talk about inappropriate things but at the end of the day there are few people in this world that I would do that with, and to me those are moments to treasure.

    xx JJ
